5 Ways to Welcome the New Year (that don't involve Hangovers or Spanx)

Feeling a little wiped out after a busy December? Although we can choose to hit the reset button any time of year, New Year’s is a particularly good time to do so. Here are a few ways to take care of yourself while welcoming the new year :

  • “Resolve” to start enjoying your life now.Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’ll be happy when…?” Goals are great, but it's important not to live in the future at the expense of the present. Do you have a future goal that is serving as a road-block to your happiness right now? Here's a great article about the danger of letting weight loss goals become an elusive golden ticket to a more fulfilling life, courtesy of Kelly Diels’ awesome newsletter. Ask yourself where and how this kind of thinking may show up for you. For me, owning a house has been something I've been stuck on. "When I own a house, I’ll have friends over. When I own a house, my family will sit down to dinner together. When I own a house, I’ll host Thanksgiving dinners. I'll have a Pinterest-worthy office with a door that actually closes, and I'll write more." Etc.

  • Give yourself permission not to go out.New Year’s Eve crowds are exhausting. (Yes, I know how old-farty that sounds, but come on! I've felt this way since I was 18.) Instead, consider having a few friends over. Maybe schedule a family board game night. Keep it simple!

  • Clear out junk.File away or toss old paperwork and receipts. Donate clothing you’re not likely to wear. Received holiday gifts you didn’t want? Give them away! Create some breathing room for yourself.

  • Get back to taking care of your body.We tend to indulge in extra sugar and alcohol throughout the holiday season. Go grocery shopping and get back to your favorite healthy foods. Consider skipping alcohol for the rest of the year. Clear treats away from the kitchen counter so you're not constantly tempted to pick at them. Bundle up and go for a nice walk. Schedule a couple of workouts this week, possibly virtual barre. Bonus points if you can find a way to move your body with friends or loved ones! (I'm not sure if that sounded sexual or not, but I mean, whatever works...)

  • Reflect on and celebrate the past year. Go through your day planner, your journal, and your photos and make a list of all the great moments and proud accomplishments. Order prints of some of your favorite photos to frame and hang. If you're feeling crafty, print them out cheaply at home or use an app like PicCollage to create a photo montage celebrating your 2024. This is just for you, and can even go straight into your journal. What made you feel good this past year? When were you the happiest? Let this wisdom inform your wishes for the year ahead.Want help dreaming up a brilliant 2025? Plan to join me next month in dreaming up your most badass vision for 2025! I’ll be hosting the first-ever Dreamers Summits at Barre & Soul's studios, including our Virtual studio to connect with readers from afar! Interested? Find out more!

Happy New Year to you! Andrea