Weekly Link Roundup

Happy New Year! As always, I've hoarded all of the links to share with you! Hope this provides some food for thought, inspiration and laughs to share with your friends.

Enjoy, and feel free to share links you're loving lately in the comments.

First of all, DAMN. This is some powerful stuff from Kelly Diels on what she's calling the Female Lifestyle Empowerment Brand. Kelly takes on the current state of DIY marketing geared toward women by internet entrepreneurs, This passage was powerful: "They do it in the guise of building a relationship with you but what they’re doing is dramatizing the gap between your ordinary apartment and their New York loft, their frequent and fabulous holidays and your staycations, their flat abs and your squishy stomach, their nearly-naked yoga and your see-through yoga pants (the ones that their inventor never intended for your kind of ass, after all), their famous besties and your toxic friends, their bottomless bank accounts and your overdraft." ... I SO don't want to be that kind of blogger or professional!

Women's Healthsays goodbye to the bikini body. . . Hello 2016.

Know your worth and stop being such a pushover. . .this new email plug-in can help.

The books that haven't been written. . . can you even imagine?

I'm A Fitness Professional, But I Was So Photoshopped That I Didn't Recognize Myself . . . It's safe to assume that any image you see out there is photo-shopped and filtered these days!

What makes a good life? Insights from the longest study on happiness. It only studies men but still contains some good takeaways.

If you're inclined to set new goals this year, this post is PACKED with meaningful ideas. These are my kind of aspirations! And while you're dreaming and scheming, sign up for one of my upcoming Dreamers Summits!

P.S. Barre & Soul's January Nutrition Jumpstart is currently full, but you can still get on the waitlist or sign up for the next round! Find out more about it and learn how I lost my "Last 5 Lbs." here.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Photo Shoot with Brian Doherty Photography and B. Fetching

Photo Shoot with Brian Doherty Photography and B. Fetching

I was so stressed out prior to the shoot (for both work and personal reasons) that I broke down in tears while having my makeup done. The makeup artist actually offered to pray with me, which caused me to cry more, only because it was so unbelievably sweet. I ended up having two glasses of wine and everything was OK.

The Eagle is in the Nest!

It has happened. Oh yes! This baby has arrived...

I will even play it for you (in fast motion!)

Guess what arrived in our #HarvardSquare yoga studio?! #Cambridge #Yoga #barre #stairwaytoheaven

A video posted by Andrea Isabelle Lucas (@barresoul) on Sep 8, 2015 at 2:28pm PDT

And YES you can definitely play it too!

turquoise piano
turquoise piano

Yoga mats, hula hoops, and a turquoise piano??  What more could a yoga studio need!!

A big THANK YOU to the Longy School of Music in Cambridge for donating this wonderful new addition to our studio!

So much more to share with you but for now, just this!  Have a great weekend...

Links to Help You Embrace Back to School

Links to Help You Embrace Back to School

Goodbye sweet summer!  I know, we're still enjoying every last bit of it we can get.  But back-to-school has happened, and the good news is, September is a great month to get back into a healthy routine.  Here are a few links to help you make the most of the transition.