This week, I've been sharing the above quote with my yoga and barre classes.
This quote comes from Steven Pressfield in The War of Art, a book that inspired me to start my business, Barre & Soul®. I'm sharing it with you all this week in the hopes that it inspires you too.
When I decided to start Barre & Soul®, I did feel fear. I am grateful someone asked me this question:
Which is worse: the fear of doing it, or the fear of not doing it?
Immediately, I knew. It was on.
This has served me well each time I get ready to take a new risk. When I laid eyes on the space for the new studio in Harvard Square (which is currently under construction,) I was overwhelmed by the fear of NOT creating a studio there, which is how I knew it had to be done.
Even though construction is stressful (is 'predictably unpredictable' an oxymoron? Because it describes life pretty perfectly at the moment...) and I have no way of knowing yet whether this studio will be a success, or whether it'll just turn out to be the most expensive mistake of my life, I couldn't NOT find out.
After all, what's the worst that could happen? (Answer: zombie apocalypse, obviously. And totally unrelated to the success or failure of my business.)
Here's to feeling the fear, and doing it anyway.
Love, Andrea